Putting gender equality at the heart of the global transition to a clean energy future.
What is Equal by 30?
The Equal by 30 Campaign is part of the Clean Energy, Education and Empowerment Initiative (C3E), which works to advance women’s participation in the clean energy transition and close the gender gap. This is a joint Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM) and the International Energy Agency (IEA) initiative. Learn more about the initiative at equalby30.org
OCNI’s Role in the Equal By 30 Campaign
In May 2018 at the Clean Energy Ministerial (CEM-9) in Copenhagen, Canada and Sweden jointly launched the “Equal by 30” campaign, which is aiming to reach 50% representation of women in the energy sector by 2030. Parliamentary Secretary Kim Rudd, head of the Canadian Delegation, signed on behalf of Canada. OCNI signed on as a signatory shortly thereafter to be a loyal advocate/ally in the nuclear supply chain sector. At the time of signing, OCNI was asked to include these specific commitments:
- The introduction of a pay equity plan and an overall gender balance in staffing and our Board of Directors. OCNI also established flexible working hours and working-from-home arrangements that help to support work-life balance for all our staff;
- Encouraging OCNI member companies to consider signing up;
- Work with our members that are signatories towards the goal of 50% representation of women by 2030 in company positions in which women are currently under-represented through the building of capacity and capability programming;
- Identify qualified women candidates for election to the OCNI Board, to reach 50% representation of women on the OCNI Board by 2030;
- Work with the OCNI Board to nominate a senior leader to support initiatives towards a gender-diverse work environment in the nuclear sector;
- Promote “Equal by 30” and its principles, including facilitating the exchange of best practices and knowledge-sharing where possible within the nuclear sector;
- Active support of Women in Nuclear (WiN) Canada
- Create or work with organizations to create mentor/sponsorship relationships within the Nuclear industry; and
- Create a leadership award for a deserving woman in the industry to be awarded at the AGM.
Our commitments are laid out on the Equal by 30 website: