Operational Committees

2024 Operational Committees

An operational committee provides review, guidance, and oversight for the specific project or service area as detailed in the Committee mandate. Operational Committees are designed to bring together OCNI staff members, OCNI Board of Directors, and designates from the OCNI membership to develop insight into the business operations to suggest strategic business directions and business policy implementation. Operational committees usually meet quarterly to discuss company issues at hand and provide proper feedback or suggestions to the OCNI Staff Liaison. If you have a question about our operational committees, please reach out to hello@ocni.ca.

Meetings: Committees should meet regularly or a minimum of twice per year. Additional meetings may be called by the Chair if circumstances or issues arise when required.

Staff Liaison: Each OCNI Operational Committee has a minimum of one OCNI staff liaison to ensure the flow of information between the committee and the organization is sufficient, as well as manage the scheduling and minutes of meetings.

Committees are listed in alphabetical order.

Advanced Manufacturing

Mandate: This committee will support OCNI in encouraging the adoption of Advanced Manufacturing technologies in the supply chain to address the obsolescence of specific components in aging NPP’s and enable cost and schedule reduction in SMR deployment.

Advanced Technologies and Processes (ATP) Council

Mandate: This council will advise on research, development, and implementation of emerging technologies and processes to transform and create new opportunities for the nuclear supply chain.

Decommissioning and Waste Management (DWM)

Mandate: This committee supports the CEO in developing strategies and action plans to maximize OCNI members’ opportunities in DWM projects in Canada and offshore markets.

Education & Skills Development

Mandate: This committee supports OCNI in developing programs and sourcing funding to assist OCNI in attracting and providing training for young people, women and Indigenous people in STEM fields and skilled trades.

Equal by 30

Mandate: This committee leads OCNI’s “Equal by 30” initiative (under the Clean Energy Ministerial), a commitment by public and private sector organizations to work towards equal pay, equal leadership, and equal opportunities for women in the clean energy sector by 2030.

Government Relations and Communications

Mandate: This committee supports OCNI in implementing strong government relations and communications plan to ensure that we have a strong, cohesive voice in developing a clear nuclear policy and critical business/economic development in Canada.

Hydrogen Strategy

Mandate: This committee supports the CEO in promoting the production of green electrolytic hydrogen for energy storage, transportation, agriculture (green ammonia) and various industrial applications (oil refining, steel) in cooperation with NII with a mandate to secure opportunities for OCNI members.

Indigenous Advisory Committee

Mandate: This advisory committee supports and advises the Manager of Indigenous Engagement and Special Projects in preparing and implementing of the OCNI Indigenous Engagement Plan and other Indigenous engagement activities that fall outside of the approved plan.

ITER and Fusion

Mandate: This committee supports the CEO in securing opportunities for OCNI members to bid on ITER contracts (under the NCA and Canada’s Associate Membership) and participate in fusion projects in Canada (General Fusion in BC) and elsewhere.

Medical and Industrial Isotopes

Mandate: This committee supports the CEO in securing opportunities for OCNI members to supply specialized equipment and robotic systems used in the production, handling, and delivery of medical and industrial isotopes and pharmaceuticals in collaboration with the Canadian Nuclear Isotope Council (CNIC).

Revenue and Events

Mandate: This committee supports OCNI in identifying and planning new revenue-generating events and other new revenue sources.

SMR Strategy

Mandate: This committee supports the CEO in developing OCNI strategies and action plans to maximize OCNI members’ opportunities in SMR projects in Canada and offshore markets.

OCNI Youth Shadow Council

Mandate: The OCNI Youth Shadow Council functions as a volunteer youth advisory group to the OCNI Board of Directors. This council is modelled as an operational committee with a minimum of one representative from each province and several post-secondary programs that stream into the nuclear energy sector. The focus would be promoting youth leadership development and engaging young Ontarians on key issues in the nuclear energy sector.