About the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries
Formally known as the Organization of CANDU Industries, the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) was incorporated in 1979 by several privately owned Canadian manufacturers and engineering consultants. Its purpose was to promote companies in the Canadian private sector engaged in the supply of goods and services for CANDU and LWR nuclear power plants in domestic and export markets. In doing so, it provided a focal point for industrial collaboration on matters that are of vital importance to its members.
OCNI is an association of more than 200 leading suppliers of the nuclear industry in Canada and the international marketplace. OCNI member companies employ more than 15,000 highly skilled and specialized people in Canada, who manufacture major equipment, medical and safe applications of nuclear technology, and provide engineering support services with CANDU and SMR technology for nuclear power plants domestically and internationally. OCNI is the leading voice of the Canadian nuclear supply chain and actively promotes the production of safe, clean, and reliable nuclear base load electricity as a central part of Canada’s balanced electricity generation portfolio. OCNI also encourages and supports its member companies with taking their unique capabilities and high standards of quality and customer value to offshore nuclear markets through partnerships with local suppliers, power plant designers, nuclear utilities, and government agencies.
Promoting Nuclear Power throughout Canada and Abroad
CANDU nuclear generation plants at the Pickering, Bruce, and Darlington provide more than Ontario’s 50% of electrical energy. Ontario’s ‘Long Term Energy Plan’ calls for the refurbishment of existing CANDU units at Darlington and Bruce, as well as the construction of new nuclear units at the Darlington site to maintain a balanced and reliable electricity supply portfolio for the province.
CANDU power plants in New Brunswick and Quebec have supplied reliable and carbon-free electricity to provincial grids.
Nuclear power projects are being considered in Saskatchewan and Alberta to help these provinces meet increasing electricity supply needs reducing greenhouse gas emissions.