Unlocking the Potential of Canada’s Medical Isotope Supply Chain

New study will strengthen opportunities for Canadian companies to expand their services and ensure the continued delivery of a reliable supply of life-saving medical isotopes.

(TORONTO – December 22, 2020) – The Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) and the Canadian Nuclear Isotope Council (CNIC), are pleased to announce that they have commissioned the development of a Medical Isotope Production Handling Capabilities Directory to profile the supply chain companies that operate in support of the Canadian Isotope Sector. The Directory will be used to support an isotope trade mission which OCNI and CNIC will lead in late 2021 once Covid travel restrictions are lifted.

The Canadian nuclear industry includes 19 operating CANDU reactors, a world-leading nuclear research laboratory, an ecosystem of universities, colleges and other knowledge institutions, a highly skilled workforce, a world class nuclear regulator, as well as more than 220 highly qualified Canadian suppliers of products and services to the nuclear industry in Canada and offshore.

The study and Medical Isotope Directory development will be undertaken by the team of Bucephalus Consulting, MZConsulting and Strategic Policy Economics to profile OCNI and CNIC companies that support the production of medical isotopes in Canada.

“Canada is a leader in the production and global supply of isotopes that play a major role in diagnosing and treating many forms of cancer,” said Neil Alexander, Principal of Bucephalus Consulting. “That is why this study presents a unique opportunity to highlight the leadership role companies in Canada already play and the same time highlight opportunities for growth which will enable OCNI and CNIC members companies to expand their importance in medical isotope sector both in Canada and abroad.”

As we move into a new decade, medical isotope-based technologies are being developed and exported from Canada, while other new therapies arrive from Europe. At home, medical isotope-based therapies and treatment regimens are entering clinical trials — the final verification and validation process that is required by Health Canada before they become available to physicians for routine prescription.

“The size of the global isotope market was estimated to be $9.6 billion (US) in 2018 and is projected to grow to over $17.1 billion (US) by 2023. This potential for growth in the isotope space provides an invaluable opportunity to leverage Ontario’s established Nuclear supply chain that has developed over the past several years in support of the ongoing reactor refurbishments at OPG’s Darlington site and the Major Component Replacement program at Bruce Power,” added Ron Oberth, President and CEO of OCNI.

“This provides an instrumental chance to sustain our ongoing prosperity, which in turn leads to continued investment in our local economy, and the increased employment of long-term, well-paying jobs within our community,” added Ron.

The research study will seek to:

  • Gather information on Canadian isotope production;
  • Frame the isotope production capability of Canadian companies;
  • Layout how the Canadian isotope sector works together in the medical isotope life cycle;
  • Address and highlight where current gaps exist within the Canadian isotope supply chain; and
  • Identify export opportunities and growth for Canadian companies.

“The complete supply chain for the production, processing and delivery of medical isotopes is largely represented in Canada and at the same time, Canadian researchers continue to develop innovative targeting molecules, radiolabelling strategies, and medical isotope production methodologies,” said James Scongack chair of the Canadian Nuclear Isotope Council. That is why this study is so important. The work of Canadian companies in this sector needs to be highlighted, promoted and supported by our governments to unlock the true export potential of our medical isotope expertise.”

The directory is scheduled to be released by the end of first quarter of 2021 with a virtual stakeholder update session to be held early in February. Co-funding for preparation of the Canadian Isotope Capabilities Directory is provided by Global Affairs Canada’s Canadian Export Associations (CxA) program.

About the Canadian Nuclear Isotope Council

The Canadian Nuclear Isotope Council (CNIC) is an independent organization consisting of representatives from various levels within the Canadian health sector, nuclear industry and research bodies, convened specifically to advocate for our country’s role in the production of the world’s isotope supply.
For more information please contact:

Andrew Thiele
Director Strategic Initiatives
Canadian Nuclear Isotope Council

About the Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries

Organization of Canadian Nuclear Industries (OCNI) is an association of more than 220 leading Canadian suppliers to the nuclear industry in Canada and the international marketplace. OCNI member companies employ more than 15,000 highly skilled and specialized people in Canada who manufacture major equipment and components and provide engineering services and support for CANDU and SMR technology for nuclear power plants in Canada and around the world. OCNI companies also work on medical and other safe applications of nuclear technology.
For more information please contact:

Ron Oberth
President and CEO

About Bucephalus Consulting

Bucephalus Consulting has been involved in the nuclear industry for more than 20 years with consulting experience and in-depth knowledge of business management, marketing and sales. A long-time advocate of nuclear power as a secure and environmentally sensitive source of energy, Bucephalus Consulting has worked for business-to-business service companies within the nuclear services, waste management and radiopharmaceutical sectors in the U.K. and Canada.
For more information please contact:

Neil Alexander
Principal Consultant

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